Bake My Day Preferred - Alison Collins

K: Favorite Type of Music? 

A: I Love all genres of music, classic rock especially! I also love listening to books when I am baking!


K: Favorite Holiday? 

A: Whatever holiday all my children and grandchildren are in one place and we are together.


K: Anything else you would like Eberley Brooks blog readers to know about you? OR What is the one question we should have asked you but didn't?

A: How much I love my family and my friends. I have a wonderful husband, six kids, eleven grandchildren - all of which I adore! Most of the time. The grands always - they are perfect, the children most of the time! 


I will close with one of the most beautiful things Alison said to me during our conversations. She said, “You’re put on this earth to learn something. No one else has that same journey. Everyone else’s will be different so we cannot compare ours to theirs.” We were discussing social media and how it can be helpful in our industry, but it can also be a vehicle for comparison. I LOVE what she had to say about that and I am going to write it and put it up on my desk to remind myself every day. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read about one of our special preferred vendors! Next time you see her around town or out at the venue be sure to tell her hello and ask her for a good story! She has HUNDREDS of them! Oh and cake. Do NOT forget to ask her for cake. All the cake.



